Sonntag, 21. September 2008

Spaghetti and more

When I don't know what to cook, I cook Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce. This one is a bit creamy, because I mixed leftover béchamel sauce with tomato sauce and added a lot of basil and instead of parmesan I put nutritional yeast on top.

And I finally baked the Apple-Peanut Butter-Caramel Bars from Veganomicon. But I didn't had Graham Cracker Crumbs neither Vanilla Cookies, so I made the Basic Single Pastry Crust and doubled the recipe (from Veganomicon too) and also substituted Brown Rice Syrup with sugar beet molasses (I don't really know what it's called in English)...
doesn't look so good, but tastes very good!

Freitag, 19. September 2008

potatoes, tofu and vegetables

Voilà! That's what I had for lunch today: Mashed Potatoes, with "Tofu Bratecken" from "Tukan Tofu" and vegetables (carrots, peas, green beans and cauliflower) with béchamel sauce.

"Tofu Bratecken"

fried potatoes...

Today I had fried potatoes with breaded zucchini... I guess the picture says everything ;-)

Donnerstag, 18. September 2008

I'm back

Just a quick post about soup. The "roasted tomato soup" from "vegan lunch box" is so yummie. I really recommend this book, I've tried several recipes and they were very good. It has only one disadvantage: the time how long it takes to prepare a recipe isn't written down, as a busy person I really need that.
Ok, so here's a bad picture...