Sonntag, 16. März 2008

Pizzarolls, Dip, Scones, Gratin

Tomorrow starts my last week of school, which means no class tests until the holidays are over, but unfortunately that doesn't mean that I'm not busy.
Anyway, here are the things I ate lately :-) :
Pizzarolls dipped in Curried Carrot Dip from Veganomicon:

And here my first attempt to bake scones. I made the lemon/lime scones from but dit they EAT it? Though I overcooked the glaze so it was rather candy it tasted very good
And last but not least I tried the gratin dauphinois posted in the forum on again with a different kind of potato and it worked out fine, if someone wants the recipe, leave me a comment and I'll type it up here.

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